Meaning and Definition of Training Evaluation 

         The process of calculating the amount of utility obtained from the time , money and all the positive efforts applied for providing training is termed as training evaluation . The evaluation of the training for a particular programme aims at determining the future need of the programme , any kind of alterations required for the programme , etc. Evaluation is not only limited to the teachers , trainers , policy - makers , but it important for the learners as well Evaluating training programmes is one of the most crucial activities carried out in organisations to determine whether the worth of the training programmes being executed . 

        According to Hamblin , Evaluation of training is defined as any attempt to obtain information ( feedback ) on the effects of training programme and to assess the value of training in the light of that information " .
            According to Raab et al . " Training evaluation is a systematic process of collecting information for and about a training activity which can then be used for guiding decision - making and for assessing the relevance and effectivene of various training components " .

  Objectives of Training Evaluation

              The most important objectives of evaluating training are as follows : 
1 ) Its focus is on determining the extent to which the goals of training programmes have been achieved . 
2 ) It helps in spotting the strength and weaknesses of the training programme . 
3 ) It is conducted to collect data and help in assisting the future programmes related to marketing field . 
4 ) It ensures whether or not the training programme was specific as per the requirements . 
5 ) It helps in selecting the specific participant or members for future programmes . 
6 ) It also helps in spotting the most appropriate members among all the participants . 
7 ) It helps in preparing database that can provide support to the management in making decisions . 
8 ) It helps to determine the validity of tests , cases and exercises used in the training programme . 
9 ) It facilitates the comparison of cost and benefits of training programme .
 10 ) It determines whether or not the training programmes were the right solution for the training need identified . 

 Levels of Evaluating Training Effectiveness 

         Effectiveness of training programme can be evaluated at four different levels or stages as shown in the blow   

They are discussed below : 

1 ) Focus : In this stage , goals and scope of the evaluation process is laid down . This is the stage when decision - makers are expected to outline the " focus " of the evaluation process and allocate the required resources .
 2 ) Plan : The blueprint for the evaluation process is prepared in the planning stage . A comprehensive evaluation plan outlines the levels of evaluation , data needed for the evaluation , sources of data and methods and time of data collection for the evaluation process . 

 Evaluation Process of Training

               Evaluate Evaluation

 3 ) Implement : When the evaluation plan is executed , it is said to have been implemented . The different activities involving implementation includes gathering , organising and analysing data , formulating conclusions and recommendations and reporting it to management .  

4 ) Appraise Evaluation : Finally , the whole evaluation process is appraised for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of evaluation process and its impact . Appraisal of evaluation process is an important stage in the process of training evaluation . However , it is mostly ignored by the organisation . Appraisal of the evaluation process helps one to :

 i ) Conclude the cost - effectiveness of evaluation programme ;
Enhance efficiency of future projects ;

 ii ) Improve the effectiveness of future evaluations ; 

 iv ) Estimate the quality of evaluation information : 

v ) Determine usefulness of evaluation data to decision - makers ; 

Qvil Determine the level of implementation of recommendations by decision - makers

 .Methods of Training Evaluation 

Methods used for training evaluation are as follows : 

1 ) Questionnaires : Questionnaire is a systematic process of gathering information for any research . In questionnaires , a set of questions is given to people in order to collect facts and figures for any particular research . They are the easiest tool for collecting the data for any research . They are used to collect subjective information . Questionnaire , if properly designed , can give the most accurate information . 

2 ) Tests : Test is the basic parameter for evaluating the training and development of the organisations Significant use of test is the backbone for any organisation and its effectiveness . Generally , tests include written test which is conducted to test the trainees ' knowledge and performance .

 3 ) Attitude Surveys : It is a very different type of questionnaire for gathering the information related to training evaluation . It gathers information regarding employee attitude about workplace , policies , procedures , supervisors , and the organisation . To see the changes in attitude , before- and - after programme measurements are done . 

4 ) Interviews : Interviews are a very helpful source of training evaluation , but these are not used often like other methods . Training staff , the participant's supervisor , or an outside third party can organise the interviews . An interviewer can get answers to those questions which cannot be acquired from the questionnaire , but for conducting an interview , interviewer should be skilled .

 5 ) Focus Group : The focus group is a small - group discussion in which group members provide their inputs . It is conducted by a qualified facilitator . It is basically designed to seek qualitative judgments on a specific topic . It is useful when to evaluate the quality of a training programme and evaluating the change in behaviour as a result of the training . 

6 ) Observations : Observation method is very much related with attitude surveys and it is a continuous process of observing the employee starting from the beginning till the end . After observation , evaluators record the changes in the behaviour of employees . Observation yields relevant data for training evaluation and it also helps the evaluators to identify the context of the programmes and inter - personal relations amongst them . For observation to be effective , it is very important that the personnel acting as observers should have proper training .

Barriers in Training Evaluation 

Some of the barriers in evaluation of training are as follows : 

1 ) Time - Consuming : This is the major barrier that affects the training evaluation . It takes a lot of time to collect data for training evaluation . However , this perception is wrong as most of the data is collected in the earlier phases of the training programmes , i.e. , designing , developing , and delivering . If these phases are done systematically , the information generated at these phases can act as a valuable source of data during the evaluation phase . 

2 ) Fear of Collecting Data : Another barrier of evaluating training programme is that it can reveal those facts and findings of the training programme , which can show its ineffectiveness . This can be a problem for the trainers who are busy in maintaining their budgets neglecting , the important aspects of training .

 3 ) Cost Incurred in Training Evaluation is High : Training programme itself requires great cost to get performed and a much higher cost is required to conduct the activity of evaluation process too . In this way . the budget gets higher and this becomes one of the barriers of training evaluation .
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