Importance of Career Planning The process of career planning is crucial for the employees as well as the organisation

1 ) Employees : 

The following reasons illustrate the importance of career planning for employees : 

               i ) Defines Clear Path of Career :  
                                           With the help of career planning employees ' becomes aware about the career prospects available to him within the organisation . He can foresee the position to which he is capable of rising and the amount of effort he needs to put in . This facilitates him to choose a career that is appropriate for him , keeping in mind his talent and skills . He can also gain benefit from the training and development programmes running the organisation in order to groom himself and become eligible to handle bigger roles and responsibilities .

 ii ) Facilitates Self - Development : 

                      Though , it is a common belief that organisation grooms its employee , but the fact is that the employee grooms himself by way of self - development methods . After gaining clarity on his career path , the individual concentrates on developing himself with the help of various techniques . Self - deve attained through a definite career path helps the individual to reach the height that he would have never even thought of reaching . 
iii ) Enhanced Productivity : When the content of the work is undesirable it creates career dissatisfaction . A person who is not satisfied with his job he has chosen for himself would not prove to be sufficiently productive for the organisation . While on the contrary , if the job content is interesting the productivity of the employee increases . It is a known fact that people value intrinsic factors more than extrinsic factors as intrinsic factors provide meaning to their work . Intrinsic factors make individuals feel useful to their own self , to the organisation and the society , by accomplishing their tasks . This feeling results in increased motivation , enhanced potential for self - development , and hence enhanced productivity . When career planning is done effectively , the individual gets the work content that is best suited for him . 

2)Organisation : 

        The following are the reasons due to which career planning is useful for the organisation : 

                  i ) Ensure Availability of Talent :  Various booming organisations emphasise on developing and promoting their own employees and making them ready to take - up managerial positions rather than hiring managers from outside . This needs a well - planned career path along with the sincere efforts to assist the manager in moving on the chosen career path . Due to this , it becomes mandatory for the organisation to do career planning ..

                   ii ) Attracting and Retaining Talent : Organisations can attract talented employees , which are difficult to find , by only promising them a bright future . This can be done by going for a proper career planning . An organisation can create a positive image in the market by doing proper career planning for its employees . and in this manner can attract talented employees . The new hires are also assured that they are in such organisation , who values their skills and capabilities and is providing them a career and not a job . 

iii ) Promoting Positive Image of Organisation :
               Some firms conduct yearly surveys across the world in order to identify the best employer . These surveys emphasise on " matching individual and job requirements " . The only way to achieve this is through effective career planning . In a way , the contented and committed employees are the best to portray a positive image of any organisation . 

iv ) Protecting Interest of Disadvantageous Employees : Organisation is a social entity and is thus liable towards every member of the society . It has to ensure that the interest of the weaker groups of the society such as , physically handicapped people , retired persons , etc. is not ignored . It is a social necessity to help these groups develop and come at par with others . It can be done by proper manpower planning further followed by career planning and development .
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