Meaning and Definition of Job Satisfaction 

Job satisfaction may be defined as the feeling or attitude that an employee has about the job thate he / she is performing . Many research studies have clearly established a strong correlation between an employee's job performance and the satisfaction that he derives from doing the job . 

These studies show that a satisfied employee has a better attitude towards his job and his productivity is significantly higher as compared to other less - satisfied employees . 

A satisfied employee generally bears a positive outlook towards his job and the company . He is proactive , displays higher levels of motivation and initiative , is willing to take on more responsibilities and has a better relationship with his fellow employees , superiors and subordinates . He is constantly searching for new ways to do his job better and is also eager to help others to do their work better as well . He shows positive energy all the time . 

A dissatisfied employee , on the other hand , is withdrawn , constantly complaining and finds faults in others for his own failures or poor performance . He is careless in his work , is irregular or frequently absent from work and gives rise to an unhealthy work environment . 

According to Smith , " Job satisfaction is an employee's judgement of how well his job has satisfied his various needs " .. 

According to Locke , " Job satisfaction is a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences " . 

According to Kalleberg , " Job satisfaction refers to an overall affective orientation on the part of individuals toward work roles which they are presently occupying 

According to Blum , " Job satisfaction is a 
general attitude which is the result of many specific attitudes in three areas , namely specific job factors , individual adjustments , group relations outside the job " .

 Theories and Model of Job Satisfaction 

Job satisfaction is defined as the degree to which an individual feels satisfied in relation to his / her job . Various researchers have given different theories of job satisfaction . Theories of job satisfaction are based on various factors such as personality of an individual , value of the individual in the organisation , the working conditions in which an employee is working and the influence of social environment . Moreover , these factors are not only the basis of job satisfaction but are the reasons of the satisfaction for one employee and dissatisfaction of another employee . Some of the theories are discussed as follows :

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