Selection Test

Selection Tests

                Tests are also known as psychological tests . These tests are significant tools which are used for the selection procedure . A psychological test is conducted to evaluate some sets of skills and capabilities of a worker which are supposed to be there for a successful job outcome as per the job analysis . A test is a tool designed to evaluate the selective psychological elements . The primary reason of conducting the test in selection procedure is to easily and precisely evaluate difference between job - related capacities and skills of individuals . As human capabilities are interconnected to each other and complicated in nature ; thus , they need to be understood in relation to each other

 . According to Wayne F. Cascio , " A psychological test is a standardised measure of behaviour " . 

According to Cronbach , " A test is a systematic procedure for comparing the behaviour of two or more persons " . 

According to Milton M. Blum , " A test is a sample of an aspect of an individual's behaviour , performance and attitude " . 

  Types of Tests 

 Selection tests can be classified as follows :

Types of Tests 

             Aptitude Tests 

                           Intelligence Tests 
                           Mechanical Aptitude Tests -
                            Psychomotor Tests - 
                            Clerical Aptitude Tests 

             Achievement Tests

                          Knowledge Tests 
                        Work Sample Tests

                Situational Tests

                      Group Discussion 
                       In - Basket

         Interest Tests  

             Personality Tests 
             Objective Tests
             Projective Tests

 1 ) Aptitude Tests
                    It is a test designed for evaluating the growth level achieved by an individual on somewhat similar and clearly stated capabilities . These capabilities may include visualisation of dimensions ,numerical ability , or emotional ability . These tests aim at evaluating the capability of an individual or the hidden ability to learn what has been given to him , if provided proper training . These tests are categorised as follows :

                     i ) Intelligence Tests : These tests are made for the purpose of evaluating various mental tasks like reasoning , comprehension , and judgement . Intelligence test is aimed at getting a basic idea about an individual's mental ability . In simple words , these tests evaluate the various human behaviours in an effective manner in comparison to any other device . These tests provide professionals with a standard way to compare the performance of an individual with another , who are in the same age group . These tests give factual data on cultural and biological differences among people as well .

                    ii ) Mechanical Aptitude Tests : Mechanical aptitude tests are also called as mechanical ability tests . These tests measure the capability of an individual to solve mechanical problems without using any manuals or external help . These tests are considered by most of the employers , for example , Navy , Army , Air Force , and many private organisations . These tests are used by an employer during the phase of job applications , and doing well in these tests means that the candidate is capable for the job he is looking for . Every candidate seeking a new job in mechanical field , or promotion to a new position , is required to pass this test before he is offered the job . 

                     iii ) Psychomotor Tests : Psychomotor tests are considered for evaluating the capability of an individual with respect to a particular job . This test also assists in taking any decision on the mental skill and motor ability and likewise some other qualities , where an individual needs to use his muscular movements , and his control and coordination are involved . These tests are considered for the purpose of selecting workers for semi - skilled , tedious jobs such as packing , testing , examination , assembling work , etc. 

                    iv ) Clerical Aptitude Tests : These tests are planned for the purpose of recognising such candidates who are capable of working actively and perfectly in administrative roles . Any mistake in billing , accounting or shipping information may cause a big loss to the organisations . Organisations use this test while hiring people for clerical jobs , cashiers , warehouse workers , bank staff , etc. , where high concentration . and accuracy are most important . These tests evaluate particular abilities required for official work . This test may contain spelling , copying , computation , word measuring , comprehension , etc. These tests are variable in nature due to the variety of job requirements .

 2 ) Achievement Tests : 

                    It is a standardised test which evaluates the knowledge level of an individual in a specific field . In contrast to an aptitude test which aims at evaluating an individual's capability to learn something , this test aims to test the knowledge of an individual with respect to a particular topic , or subjects like maths , geography , or science . Achievement tests consist of the following types of tests : 

i ) Job Knowledge Tests : Job knowledge test evaluates an individual's knowledge level pertaining to a specific job . For example , a junior lecturer submits an application for the post of senior lecturer in commerce department ; he is supposed to take a test of job related knowledge , where he may require answering some accountancy principles , banking laws , business management , etc. 

ii ) Work Sample Tests : This test involves assigning a part of actual work to the candidate in the form of a test , and the candidate is required to do it . For example , if an individual is applying for the vacancy of " management lecturer , he may be asked for delivering a lecture on the management information system as a work sample test . Therefore , the success of an individual in his career is evaluated on the basis of his knowledge pertaining to his job and actual work experience .

 3 ) Situational Tests : Situational tests are designed so that a person's spontaneous reaction can be observed in real - life conditions . These tests have an assumption of locating people into a practical situation , and observing the reactions in order to learn how people respond to that particular situation . These tests expose people to frustration , excitement , stress , monotony , or some other situations so as to exhibit their personality traits . These tests are time - consuming and costly . These tests can be categorised into following types :

 i ) Group Discussion : Generally , group discussion is used to manage this test by resolving a problem . In group discussion , candidates are evaluated in several areas like initiating , leading , suggesting meaningful ideas , conciliate skills , oral communication skills , coordinating and concluding skills , etc.

ii ) In - Basket : In this type of test , candidate is provided with actual letters , cell phone and telegraphic infosages , reports , and other requirements by the officers of the organisation including proper thformation regarding the job and the organisation . The candidate is required to determine some of the things on the basis of in - basket information pertaining to the requirements revealed in the message . 

4 ) Interest Tests : 

                         Interest tests are inventories of all likes and dislikes of the candidates pertaining to their work , occupation , hobbies , and other spare time activities . The main objective of this test is to identify the candidate's interest or disinterest in the job offered to him , and to decide upon the area in which the job is highly candidate is showing interest . This test has an assumption that interest of the candidate in correlated with the success of that job . Interest inventories are more true , and generally , do not vary after the age of 30 . 

5 ) Personality Tests :

               Personality tests examine the individual deeply in order to get an idea about his value system , emotional stability , attitude and moods . All of them may be expressed in the form of self confidence , skill , emotional control , hopefulness , certainty , friendliness , consistency , objectivity , tolerance , fear , doubt , initiative , judgement , dominance or submission , spontaneity , reliability , and firmness . This test can be divided into following types :

 i ) Objective Tests : These tests generally consist of a questionnaire . It gives the candidates multiple choices , or true / false options to answer any question . These tests are prepared in a structural form as the subject is having limited choices available to answer any question . These tests are aimed at evaluating the mental ability , independence , submission and self - confidence of the candidate .

 ii ) Projective Tests : Projective tests provide an unstructured task and ask the candidate to take a decision by utilising the test stimulus , which may be vague or unclear . For example , the candidate might be required to answer what he / she is perceiving in a blot of ink on a piece of paper or to create a story from a card showing a hazy picture of some people who are in a particular environment such as a surgical room . This test is based on an assumption that the manner of structuring and interpreting the given unclear test stimulus will represent the basic characteristics of an individual's personality or psychological functioning and thus , it discloses his / her needs , nervousness , and conflicts . Therefore , projective tests evaluate the personality of individuals in an indirect way .
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