Herzberg's Two Factor Model Theory / Motivation Hygiene Theory

Herzberg's Two Factor Model Theory / Motivation Hygiene Theory 

           In the late fifties , a motivational theory was introduced by Frederick Irving Herzberg , named as motivation hygiene theory . It is also known as two - factor motivation theory , as it is based on two factors , i.e. , job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction . In order to identify the factors responsible for job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction , Herzberg decided to interview maximum number of employees working at higher levels in their respective companies . Thus , he interviewed around 200 accountants and engineers to recall the times when they felt good and bad at their workplace separately and then specify the reasons for their feelings respectively . The factors responsible for both the situations were not at all similar , which concluded that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are not contradictory . Thus , absence of job satisfaction means no job satisfaction and not job dissatisfaction .

 Herzberg classified the factors responsible for either job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction into following categories : 

1 ) Hygiene Factors : 

                             These factors are those motivating factors whose presence motivates the employees at the workplace but for a limited period only . However , their absence can result in job dissatisfaction for the employees . Adequate number of hygiene factors at the workplace help in comforting the employees . Since , these factors focus on avoiding dissatisfaction , they are also termed as maintenance factors or dissatisfiers . These factors play a very important role in creating a healthy work environment , which ultimately fulfils the physiological needs of the employees . Some of the hygiene factors are as follows : 

i ) Pay : The salary structure of the employees should be set according to the market value . Salary paid to the employees working at same position even in different organisations should remain same . The pay should be fair , reasonable and unbiased . 

ii ) Company Policies and Administrative Policies : The policies set by the company should be flexible . unbiased and transparent in nature . Rigidity in working hours , leaves , breaks and dress - code can make the working environment uncomfortable for the employees . 

iii ) Fringe Benefits : Fringe benefits in the form of medical claims , benefit plans for family , assistance programmes for employees , etc. , motivate the employees to a great extent . 

iv ) Physical Working Conditions : The working conditions have a great impact on the performance of the employees as clean and hygienic conditions satisfy and motivate them to work effectively . Unhealthy environment , unsafe and inefficient tools and equipments not only increase the risk of accidents also lead to dissatisfaction .

v ) Status : The employees should be given proper respect in the organisation . They should have a well known status within the organisation , which must be retained by the firm . 

vi ) Interpersonal Relations : The relationship between the employee and his colleagues , his superiors and juniors should be healthy and understandable . Arousal of any dispute or any embarrassing situation can adversely affect their relationships . 

vii ) Job Security : Job security in the form of insurance , pension , retirement fund , etc. , given by the organisation provides maximum job satisfaction to the employees and motivates them to stay with the organisation for a long duration . 

2 ) Motivational Factors :

                   According to Herzberg , unlike hygiene factors , motivational factors positively satisfy the human beings for a much longer term . That is why , hygiene factors are considered as less motivating as compared to motivational factors . These factors are also known as satisfiers and are inherent by nature . These factors are considered as intrinsic rewards that motivate employees to perform more effectively . 

According to motivational factors , basic physical needs are just an additional benefit to the employees . Following are some of the motivational factors : 

i ) Recognition : Managers should motivate the employees by praising and appreciating them for their hard work and good performance .

 ii ) Sense of Achievement : While performing any job , employees must develop a sense of achievement . They must realise that their hard work will be rewarded at the end of the day . For this , managers can use some sort of rewards to motivate the employees . 

iii ) Growth and Promotional Opportunities : Another way by which an organisation can motivate its employees is by providing them with numerous opportunities for their advancement that can help them in their career growth . 

iv)Responsibility : Managers should try to make their subordinates accountable by minimising their interference and excessive control over their job . Employees should be made solely responsible for their performance and must be provided with job ownership . 

v)Meaningfulness of the Work : The more meaningful and challenging task is given to the employees more interesting and motivating that task becomes for them .

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