Meaning of Separation Separation 

  Involves ending the employment relationship with an employee . Simply , it can be denoted by * termination of employment . It is also known as employee turnover . The employment of an employee is terminated when an employee even after getting the notice is not in a position to improve his / her performance or when an employee behaves in an unethical manner or is involved in any type of misconduct . Employees are separated from their job due to resignation , lay - off and dismissal . In sick industries and loss - making business ventures , separations are most commonly visible . When the market demands are not adequate , it leads to decrease in activities of production , thereby leading to separation of employees . Both the parties ( employer and the employee ) feel the pain of separation . Therefore , separation should be managed carefully .

Benefits of Separation Benefits of employee separations to the organisation include the following 

1 ) Minimises Cost of Labour : By separating the employees , an organisation can reduce its cost of labour . However , the cost of layoff is considerable , but the money which is saved by separating the employees from an organisation can be used for lay - off in order to compensate the expenses occurring from lay - offs , 

2 ) Helps in Replacing Low Performers : It is very important for an organisation to identify the poor performers of the organisation and thereafter helping them by providing training or by engaging them in skill development to make their performance better . But still , if the feedback is negative after providing training , then it is better to terminate that poor performer and replace him with a skilled employee . Thus , the benefit of separating a poor performer is to create job opportunities for new and skilled workers . 

3 ) Promotes Innovation : Advancement opportunities are created for high performing individuals from separation . As the employees are promoted within an organisation , the entry level jobs are created thereby giving an opportunity to the s employees to enter the organisation . These new employees may include fresh graduates who may become a source of innovation to an organisation as they have knowledge about the latest researches and technologies or are expert engineers or experienced managers from various renowned research laboratories . 

4 ) Facilitates Workforce Diversity : Another benefit of separation is to create job prospects for the employees from different cultural and gender composition . The benefit of hiring a diverse workforce in an organisation is to extract the advantages of workforce diversity .

 Managing Separation Following are the guidelines for managing separations :

 1 ) Providing the Employee with All Concerned Documents : The employee must be provided in his / her personnel file with all the documents related to dismissal alongwith performance appraisal reports , recommendations for improvement , warning letters , counselling memos and results of any enquiry for misconduct . In order to avoid any surprises by the termination decision , the employee must have gone through these documents in earlier discussions pertaining to the problems .

2 ) Avoiding Legal Issues : The employers might face legal implications in case of a sudden termination of employee without notice . The employer can be accused of discrimination , revengeful or wrong dismissal by the employee . 

3 ) Adherence to Policies and Procedures : The emphasis should be laid on strict adherence to the policies and procedures of the organisations related to discipline and conduct . In addition , the employer must have an authentic ground if any irregularities are found . 

4 ) Consistency in Treating Employees : Consistent behaviour toward the employees working on similar jobs . history of performance and experience must be ensured rather than treating all the employees in the same manner . 

5 ) Complete Enquiry and Analysis : In the event of indiscipline or misconduct , the employer must undertake indeep and convincing enquiry before dismissing the employee in a hurry or after being influenced

 6 ) Respecting Employee's Dignity and Privacy : The dignity and privacy of the employee must be given due respect . For this purpose , the termination should take place at a proper time in a superior's office rather than the employee's workstation or any other unsuitable place . 

7 ) Proper Preparation and Record of the Meeting : The employer must be ready in advance and be specific about what has to be stated during the termination . He / she must not indulge into a discussion with the employee regarding any justification for the termination decision . The entire conversation and discussion of the meeting must be properly recorded . 

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