Introduction Employees go through numerous job changes during their entire career . The term job change or employee mobility can be defined as the movement of employee : 

1 ) To a new position in a different company , 
2 ) To a new post in the same sub - unit of the same organisation in which he is working currently , but with the changes in job duties and responsibilities . 

3 ) To a new post in a different sub - unit of the same organisation in which he is working currently . The organisation gets to know about the capability of the employee to take the higher position in the organisation . It aids an organisation to choose between prospective employees . The capable employees become members of a special committee and they are given new responsibilities . 

This experience enhances their knowledge and prepares employees for the future . Each and every job change is accompanied by some prospects , issues , and experience . Varied work experiences that an employee gets from a job change lead to the development of the employee's growth opportunities .

 Purposes of Job Change Some of the purposes of job change are as follows

1 ) Enhancing Organisational Effectiveness : When programmes and policies of the organisation are implemented effectively , the organisation functions successfully . Organisational structure can be improved by eliminating unnecessary positions , alongwith re - grouping and re - designing the other positions . The organisation's effectiveness gets enhanced through such changes . However , job changes are required to implement them . 

2 ) Maximising Efficiency of the Employee : An organisation can fully exploit the skills , potential and knowledge of the employee , if it is able to strike a balance between job requirements and employee qualification . Through job changes , every employee is assigned a job that can use his capabilities and skills to the possible extent .

3 ) Handling Operational Changes : Economic conditions influence the day - to - day operations of the organisations . The organisations have to adjust themselves as p the changing economic scenario . At times of recession and depression , managers try to cut - off labour cost through transfers and lay - offs , thus adjusting the labour force as per the levels of operations . During the times of prosperity , transfers and promotions are the methods which are used by the organisation to fulfil the demands for skills of higher order . If the employee is ill or he dies , the vacancies arising out of the scenario calls for certain temporary adjustments .

 4 ) Ensuring Discipline : One of the tools used to take disciplinary actions is employee mobility . Lay - offs and demotions are the methods which are used for punishing employees , who violate the rules as they make the person lose his earnings and status . 

Types of Job Change There are following types of job change :

 1 ) Internal Job Change : Also known as internal mobility or internal recruiting . Internal mobility means movement of the present employees within the same organisation , in search of new job prospects . It helps in the growth of existing employees by providing them new and better job opportunities within the organisation itself . Thus , they do not have to move outside the organisation to search out for a better job . It is of two types : 
i ) Vertical : Mobility of employee from one position to another of a different rank is called vertical mobility . Promotion and demotion are best examples of vertical mobility .

 ii ) Horizontal : Mobility of employee from one position to another of the same rank is called horizontal mobility . Transfers are the best example of horizontal mobility . 

2 ) External Job Change : Also known as external mobility . External mobility means movement of the employees of an organisation to some other organisation in search of better career opportunities . This mobility mostly occurs when employees are dissatisfied with their existing job conditions . Thus , the employees get separated from their organisation due voluntary retirement or resignation . reasons such as suspension , demotion , termination ,

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