Meaning and Definition of Transfer 

Transfer means the movement of an employee from one department to the other or from one location to the other or from one branch to other branch . Transfers may be given by the company or may be asked by the employees themselves , depending upon the situation . It is a very common policy that is being followed by all the companies . Sometimes , the transfer takes place with no change in the pay scale or position and sometimes it may prove out to be financially beneficial to the employee . 

According to Edwin B. Flippo , " Transfer is a change in job where the new job is substantially equal to the old in terms of pay , status and responsibilities " . 

According to Yoder and Associates , " Transfer is a lateral shift causing movement of individuals from one position to another usually without involving any marked change in duties , responsibilities , skills needed or compensation " . 

Purpose / Reasons of Transfer 

Transfer is usually made to satisfy the interest of both the employee and the organisation . Transfer is made due to following reasons : 

1 ) To Meet Organisational Needs : An organisation undergoes several changes in the path of growth and achievement of its goal successfully . These changes may include work inconsistencies , changes in the structure of the organisation , changes in the economic status , changes in the quantity of production , etc. This demands either reduction or reallocation of the workforce . Thus , suitable adjustments are made to fulfil these requirements of the organisation by transferring appropriate candidates to the right place .

2)To Fulfil Employee's Requirements : Transfers are also made when the employee is not able to adapt himself in the company's working environment . If an employee is not comfortable with his superiors or fellow workers , or he is unable to see his future growth in a particular job or he is having some family problems , in such conditions , in order to meet the employee's requirement transfer can be done from one place to another or from one department to another by the organisation . 

3 ) To Enhance Employee's Productivity : When an employee works in the same job over a long period time , the enthusiasm as well as the productivity of the employee starts declining . Thus , to break this boredom and make the job more interesting , transfers are made . 

4) To Make Effective Utilisation of Employees ' Skill : Sometimes , employees are not able to perform satisfactorily and adequately in a particular job as their skills are not properly utilised . Therefore , the management transfers such employees to that job where their capabilities and skills can be utilised in a much better way .

 5 ) To Increase Employees ' Versatility : Transferring an employee from one department to another or from one place to another helps the employees to face new challenges and gain new experiences . This increases the versatility of the employee as he receives enough opportunities to improve his diverse skills . 

6 ) To Adjust the Employees and their Timing : Transfer takes place to adjust the employees in different departments particularly when there are certain changes in the organisation . Transfer can also be done as per the convenience of the employee . There are some people who prefer morning shifts , some prefer evening and some prefer night shifts . For example , working women prefer to work in the evening shifts as they have to do their daily household work in the morning time . 

7 ) To Ensure Discipline in Employees : There are some officers or employees of the organisation who violate the rules and regulations and work for their personal benefit . Therefore to penalise , such employees are transferred to a distant branch or office where they do not get a chance to carry - out their unlawful activities . 

8 ) To Maintain a Tenure System : Many organisations follow tenure system . Specially , in government organisations employees are hired for a particular period of time on a particular post . Later these employees are transferred to other places or departments to acquire new knowledge and skills . For example , in banks probationary officers are hired for the duration of 3 years and later they are transferred to other places for next 3 years . Sometimes , transfers are also made so that employees do not get involved in politics against the organisation

Types of Transfer 

Different types of transfer are as follows : 

Types of Transfer 
On the Basis of Purpose Production Transfers 
Replacement Transfers
 Shift Transfers
 Remedial Transfers 
Versatility Transfers 
On the Basis of Unit 
Sectional Transfers 
 Departmental Transfers 
Inter - Plant Transfers

 Benefits of Transfer Benefits of transfer are as follows : 

1 ) When an employee is transferred from one department to another , or is given responsibilities of different jobs , he is able to gain advanced knowledge and different skills that may prove to be beneficial for him . 

2 ) Transferring staff members is one of the best ways to improvise social interaction in an organisation . It not only reduces the politics between the employees , but also maintains a healthy coordination between the employees of different departments . 

3 ) When the ployees work with coordination and cooperation , it results in smooth functioning of the organisation which further will result in raising organisational gains and improving organisational effectiveness .

 4 ) The problem that the company faces due to faulty placements can be corrected by transferring suitable and efficient employees to the respective department . This stabilises the work fluctuations happening in the organisation . 

5 ) Transfer helps the employees to overcome the tediousness of same job they are performing since a long time . They are fully energised to take up new work and duties . They are able to acquire new skills which increase their chances of future promotion . 

6 ) Transferred employees are motivated to learn new things as they receive new challenges and get opportunities to express their ideas and show their potential .

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