Meaning and Definition of Career Development 


                   Career development is the essence of human development . It is a combination of all the sociological . psychological , physical , economic , and coincidental aspects outlining the series of professions , jobs , or occupations likely to be undertaken by an individual in his / her entire career . It is the duty of each organisation to provide its employees with opportunities for career development . It is the process which enhances the employee's capability to grow and assists him / her in choosing a different career . It can be defined as an organised process through which the human resource of an organisation is directed through numerous organisational levels . 

According to Pietrofesa and Splete , "         
                     Career development is an on - going process that occurs over the life span ; includes home , school , and community experiences " . 

According to Gysbers and Moore , " Career development is self - development over the life span through the integration of the roles , settings , and events of a person's life " . 

According to Reardon , Lenz , Sampson , and Peterson ; Sears , " Career development is total constellation of economic , sociological , psychological , educational , physical , and chance factors that combine to shape one's career " .

  Characteristics of Career Development Following are the main characteristics of 

career development : 

1 ) It is a continuous process .

 2 ) It aids in developing and sharing transferability of proficiencies and skills . 

3 ) It raises employee satisfaction as it brings individual and organisational goals in line . 

4) It helps employees in enhancing their competencies and skills that are needed to fulfil the current as well future roles of leadership inside an organisation . 

5 ) It makes an organisation's work culture more proficient . 

Objectives of Career Development 

The objectives of career development are as follows : 
1 ) To formulate intervention strategies that help in developing , involving , rewarding and retaining skilled employees . 

2 ) To analyse and implement suitable career counselling models in the organisation . 

3 ) To identify how the assessment procedures are applied during career development intervention . 

4 ) To identify how technology is used during career development intervention . 

5 ) To plan , design and implement career development programmes that are applicable throughout the career . 

6) To search , understand , assess , and circulate information pertaining to education and career among the employees which are in congruence with organisational needs .
7 ) To achieve excellence through procurement of relevant skills , capabilities and information . 

8 ) To create and develop a group of skilled employees who can implement the organisation's business strategies efficiently. 

9 ) To enable development and succession planning so that growth of organisation can be ensured in the long run .

 10 ) To improve the employees and organisation by assessing career development programme and utilising the result effectively .

 Steps Involved in Career Development Plan

      An organised and focused technique that reviews where currently an individual is in his career and where he intends to be by using SMART goal setting is called career development plan . Identifying the career goals of a person and developing an action plan for his / her overall growth helps him to meet those goals effectively . Both short - term as well as long - term goals alongwith the actions , courses and various types of developments needed to achieve them , constitute a career development plan .
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