Content of Book or Research Report writing

Research Report writing 

    Research and research writing  is not  combined research is separate  research writing  separate. 
          Research  is new  type  of  thinking  and new type of experiment but research report writing is having a sum set of skills because research report is clear and unique information listed  then 

 Research report  does not have specific  format it's differ in the  themselves  research  reports have a  some staned it's given below 
Preliminary page 
                 The opening page can be used to summarize the entire study report.  Emphasis should be placed on this page being the first
Title page 
                 This is the first page of a research report where the title of research is mentioned
                        You must indicate whether any certificates have been purchased for the research report
Copy right 
                     Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as an author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression.

Table of content 

                       The table of contents mention all the heading and sub heading of different chapter along with their respective Page number
Content of chapters 
           This page contains the details of contents and topics covered under each chapter
List of abbreviations ,figures, 
Mani  body 
            As the name suggests This section enable the reader to get comprehensives of the research study
            The main section of the reader
General overview 
 Research objective 
                           A hypothesis May be referred to as an assumption, prediction or an educated guesses formulated by the research that needs to be validated conducting appropriate test
                 the act or an instance of justifying something : 
 Scope of study 
                               The scope of a study explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work and specifies the parameters within the study will be operating. Basically, this means that you will have to define what the study is going to cover and what it is focusing on

 limitation of study 

                         There are always certain limitations associated with the research study.these limitations that could affect the reliability of finding of the study are also stated in this segment

 Literature review 

                     A comprehensive and analytical study of the previous researchers and documents is known as a literature review
                            Theoretical review
                                Empirical review 
                           This segment of the research briefly explains the different methods that have  been  opted during the research  study  and preparation of the  research report 

 Research design 

                           This aspect states the appropriate research design chosen for study alone with  suitable  reasons for choosing  the  same 
  Research design illustrates the type of research design
 I.e exploratory, descriptive and causal
                                 Area of study 
             The sample information descriptive Nature of population , sample size, sample frame, sample units,

 Data collection 

                     Data collection is an  integral part of Research methodology  the research describe the appropriate techniques chosen for the collection of data alongwith  suitable reasons for such selection
  The sources of data collection - primary or secondary data 
  Data analysis 
                       In the section bof research methodology the research  describes the method adopted for analysing the Data  and suitability of selected method
                    Field work 
              In findings the research  generalized or interprets the findings from the Data analysis 
Ethical consideration 

  Limitations of research  projects 

                                                  There are always certain limitations associated with the research study these limitations that could affect the reliability bof the findings of the study are also stated in this segment 
                  Summary is that  part of research  report where  the  research  writes abridged summary  of a complete research  
 It gives  an overview  about  the  research
It is of  100to 175 words but  sometimes it may extend upto maximum  of two  pages. 


                             Research  after  thoroughly  analysising  the  processed information  draws conclusion  about  the  research. These conclusion  for  always  in accordance  with the  objective  of the  research   there  should  be  a particular  conclusion for every the objective

  Suggestions & Recommendation 

                                         Providing suggestions and recommendations to the concerned persons is another important part of preparing an effective research report .
End notes 
           This part includes the sources of information that a reader might wish to know


             Appendix is the set of all those materials that are supplementary to the main research work such as formlae,computations, questionnaire, statistical, table,etc
 The ready can refer to supplementary material while reading a particular section for better understanding.


               When only citations of the entire research work are listed chronologically with the Last name of the author, it's called reference


            Bibliography is a list containing all books journals, articles, reports, interviews, website, video or audio recording,etc.. 

These are all topics needed to prepare a research report

If in doubt, let us know in the comment section

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