Human Resources Management





      Meaning And Definition of Human Resource Management

      Organization are made up of people  and function through people  organization cannot  exist among the various factors of production like money material man and  machines in an organization ,human resource is considered to be  most important factor. This  is because  the efficient use of other physical  resources like land  and capital  is dependent on how the human factor is used on various operation . Except  men,all  other resources  depreciate  with time. Man is the most value resources  which  appreciates with time if a right environment is given to him and hence termed as “human resource “human resource consist of those group of people  who are ready to provide their  services for the benefit of the organization

 Human resource According to

Michael  J.Jucius:  human resource are a whole consisting  of inter-dependent and  interacting 

·       physiological ,

·       sociological  and

·       ethical components

 Human resource always remains central  to the organization as  dynamic and effective people can construct dynamic enterprises

Invancevich and glueck,

              HRM is concerned with the most effective use of the people to achieve  organization and individual goals

Edwin B. Flippo, human resource management  is the planning  organizing, directing and  controlling  of the procurement ,  development ,compensation ,integration,maintenance ,and separation of human resource to the end that individual ,organization  and  social  objectives  are accomplished”

 Milkovich  and Boudreau,

                                Human resource management is a series of integrated  decision that from the employee relationship their qulity contributes to the ability of the organization aand the employees to achieve their  objective .

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