Employee Engagement (part - 1)

 Employee Engagement                                                                      

Employee engagement is not an exact science. At the core of employee engagement are some values. These values determine the why, how and what of that company. Not all employees in an organization utilize their full potential.  There may be many reasons responsible for the same. They may not associate with the goal of the company, they may have problem with their team, the boss or the subordinate or it may be a general problem of attitude

   DAVID  MACLOARD   this is about   how we create the condition in which employee offers  more of their  capability  and potential 

          Employee engagement is based on trust. Integrity , two way  commitment and communication  between  an  organization  and  its  members  it is an approach  that  increases the  chances of business success contribution  to organization  and individual  performance, productivity and well  being  it can be measured it varies from  poor to great .it can be nurtured  and dramatically  increased it can be lost and thrown away

            There are three types of engaged people

·       Actively Engagement

·       Engaged

·       Not Engaged

Employee Engagement is a concept that has begun to grab the attention of the corporate world for the past few years. In general, higher levels of employee engagement mean higher profitability of the organization

Prepare & Design


Employee Engagement



Results Analysis


Action Planning


Action Follow-Up

Elements of Employee Engagement

                          The term Employee Engagement has been defined by various researchers

                        A commonly agreed upon definition of employee engagement would be physical, psychological or emotional involvement of the employee while at work.

                   Four things are important when we talk about Employee Engagement, which are −

·         Commitment

·         Motivation

·         Loyalty

·         Trust

Employee Engagement Effective Methods

There are 3 ways to engage with employees, each of which has its own strengths.

·         Informative Engagement − One-way information.

·         Reciprocal Engagement − Two-way information.

·         Dynamic Engagement − Real-time and intelligent use of information.

Employee Engagement Benefits

           Research indicates that if employees are engaged with the company, their job satisfaction levels increase. Employees that are engaged and satisfied are very invested in the success of the business and have a high level of commitment and loyalty


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