Ways to increase wealth


7 Income Stream that Will  make  you  rich & How

1      9-5 income

     Most  millionaire start  out earning from  their day job  with  this income, they save and  invest  for  the log term  However ,for most people their salaries grow excreting  slow

  This is hoe millionaire maximize their 9-5 income

            Step 1   ; Gin irreplaceable employment skill

            Step 2  ; Gain experience rapidly by working a ton

           Step 3 ;  Move companies every 2-3  or 18 months  years to maximize salary

 9-5 job is one  type of exchanging  process witch men  skill and time use to convert to money

Skill & Time = money

The more you such leaning  and  moving the more you make, the more you make ,the sooner you’ll become millionaire


2) Profit  income

   Profit is simply the different  between revenue  and  expenses

Example ;Buy a shoes for 250, sell  shoes for 350  profit income is key  because it can be  done without  trading time for money

 Here are some ways you can do the same 

                    I.            Amazon FBA

                  II.            Website flipping

                III.            Drop shipping

                IV.            Drop servicing


     Find  a need  identify arbitrage  opportunities  and fulfill it that’s all takes to start making profit income

3) Interest  income

ü  To build  significant  wealth, your  money needs to make money

ü  You  only have two hands  and can’t  do it alone 

ü  When you leverage compound interest, things   really take off

ü However ,don’t rely  on crumby saving account interest

Do it instead

·         Generally  speaking, interest is earned from lending

·         However you need to land to the right people to make worth your while

·         Acquire  assets like municipal bonds  t bill  or participate  in p2p lending  to earn  interest



           When a company  realizes a profit, it has two choices

ü  Reinvest

ü  Distribute

When option  number  2  is chosen this   is how you get paid


So how do you actually  earn dividend  income

      Here you get answer 

ü  Event  share  you earn from  a dividend  producing  company/ fund will provide you  dividend    income

ü  Example ; own 1 share of tesla  and you’d collectroughly  $0.40

ü   The more share you acquire the more dividend income you  make




5   Rental Income

              Real estate has been used for centuries in order to build wealth

              It’s no surprise that asset class  is a go to for millionaires

  However, most  people see real estate as having a high barrier to entry





            Investment  option  from most to least expensive

·         Commercial real estate (example- invest in commercial complex)

·         Residential real estate (example – buy and rent house)

·          Real estate  investment trusts (pooled money into a portfolio of assets <  $ 500)



                              Residual income is any income from past work (example  TV SHOWS.BOOKKS  ETC..)

                                 This is the most  common form of the passive income  we tend to think  of

            However, you probably aren’t going  to write  going  to write book or be on tv


·         Blog income

·         Youtub income

·         Affiliate income

·          Ad sence

·         Music royalties

 The more asset  with residual income  you create


7) )Capital income

                               Profit    is made by buying  and selling  however capital  gains differs from profit income

                     Profit  income is generated by selling  inventory

        Capital   gains are earned  by selling capital  property (example – homes, stocks etc….)


 Here’s how you can  use  capital  gain income

                Step 1 – Acquire capital asset (example stocks)

                Step 2 -  wait  for application (example – stocks goes  from 20-40 $)

                Step 3 -  sell  and collect  profits



The benefit is that  capital  gains are  taxed  at preferable rates  by  

   By avoiding some tax, millionaires  growth  their  wealth  faster  and so can you 





I hope this information  is useful to you


 If you any doubt mean mention that comment section 

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