Human Resource Management (HRM) functions

         Human Resource Management (HRM) functions

                    Human Resource Management  Functions can be classified in to following two  types

HRM Function

 Managerial Function                 Operational Function                                     

· Planning                                    Employment                                                                                                                       

· Organizing                                Human resource Development   

· Directing                                  Compensation

· Coordinating                            Human relations

· Controlling 

Managerial Function                                                     


                It is  concerned with pre- planning  of actives to be done in future. It is the process of taking any action after thinking about  it.  Planning  is related  to strategy  formulation of personnel programmers and changes in advance  that will  help in the achievement of Organization goals. HRP(human resource planning)  , hiring , selection, T&D(training and development)  are some of the HR  function  which require planning


                 It is the procedure of aligning people and other resource  so that  they can work together in order to achieve  a goal  for this firm generally need to establish relationships among the employees so tthat they  can mutually contribution to fulfil the organisational   goals.


                 Directing is concerned with telling  employee to perform a task and sure that the work done is as per the  given direction. The  voluntary  and effective  co-operation  of employee for the fulfillment of organizational goals is possible through right direction  it is the  human resource management to motive , develop communication  network, integrate people maintain discipline  and  resolve  employee grievances in a  quick and proper way.


         Coordinating  among  the people  is essential  at all levels of management . Achievement of organizational objectives is possible only through  the  coordination among the groups and their  activities

Developing, interpreting and reviewing  policies  and  programmers  of the  employee are the responsibility of human  resource  department. The  last  decisions  may  be taken  by  the line managers but  personnel  department  can give   suggestion for improvements



                       Controlling is the  process  of examining  and verifying if everything is as per the set plans standards, some of the  means  of the  through human resource  management  function  can be  controlled and  made  effective  are auditing  of training  programmes  analysis of labour  turmover  record  directing  morale  surveys and conducting  separate interviews

Operational Function


    Operation  function are the special activities  which human resource  people  have  to perform for each  and  every  department  of the means  of the organization. these are the regular function  of the human resource  focues    on all  activities  of the organization  workforce  from their HR  planning  till their exit,these  functions  are as follows


                   It deals with  acquiring  and hiring  the potential  candidates for  the  attainment of objective  of the organization , job  analysis man power  planning, recruitment,selection, induction  and  placement  etc  are  the activities  which  are  include  employment  function


                  HRD is the  procedure of building and transforming the knowledge , skills, creativity, attitude etc  according to the existing  and upcoming  requirements  of the job  and organization ,it  consists of  performance  evaluation, training  and development,caree planning  and development .etc


                              Compensation is about  motivating  employees by providing them  resonble  and satisfactory  remuneration so that  they  can  work  more  effectively. Employee benefits bonus, incentive ,and  social  security  benefit are the  components  of compensation  Package   job evaluation and wage and salary  administration are the  processes of compensation management.


                        It is  the procedure of integrating people  through interaction at the  help people  to work collectively  in a  team  to gain high  productive and  satisfaction  in terms  of money, mind and society it involves  dealing  with  employee grievance  timely  by a well  developed hgrivance handling  procedure, disciplinary  action  and employee  counseling to give  them  relif  from stress frustration .etc        


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