Meaning and Definition of Career

          A career can be defined as a sequence of growing work experiences of a person over a period of time . It consists of number of work - related undertakings that deliver order , meaning and continuity to one's life . This definition implies looking at an individual's career from objective point of view . A career involves changes in personal values , attitudes and motivations over a period of one's life . . 

According to Edwin B. Flippo , " A career as a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity , order and meaning in a person's life . " 

According to Vernon Zunk , " Career is the activities and positions involved in vocations , occupations , and jobs as well as related activities associated with an individual's lifetime of work . " 

 Nature of Career Following points describe the nature of career : 

1 ) Exclusive : A career is exclusive to each person and is the result of his decisions as to what to do or what not to . 

2 ) Unpredictable : A person's career is unpredictable . Answers of career - related questions differ with time , though the situation may have remained almost the same . 

3 ) Dynamic : Career is dynamic in nature and keeps on developing throughout one's life . Alongwith occupation , it also consists of pre- and post - career matters . It also deals with combining work with other social roles like that of family , society , rest , etc. 

4 ) Continuous and Discontinuous at the Same Time : Generally , careers appear to be continuous . They portray developing personalities and other characteristics like class , gender , culture , and family education , besides work experiences . But , careers are discontinuous too as their continuity is often broken by loss of jobs , sudden family matters , imposition of new structures , etc. 

Career Anchors
          Career anchors can be defined as those motivational factors that encourage employees to continue in their current profession or job . The term was introduced by U.S. organisational theorist Edgar H. Schein . They are important non - monetary aspects that affect work and job satisfaction . They are helpful in understanding the underlying motivational forces for career decisions .

According to Schein , " A career anchor consists of the individual's talents , motives , and values , as perceived by himself / herself , which the individual uses to delimit motives and stabilise his / her career . If an employee is not aware of his / her career anchor , he / she could land - up in a work situation in which he / she lacks job satisfaction . As an individual is likely to make job selections that are consistent with his / her self - image , career anchors can serve as a basis for career choices . "

 Types of Career Anchors Following are some of the career anchors recognised by Edgar Schein . They reveal that different people have different career preferences such as : 

1 ) Technical / Functional Competence : People of this type like to be good in their profession and work hard to become professional or expert . They prefer tests and employ their competencies to overcome them . They do their job so efficiently and properly that nobody else would have done it in that way . 

2 ) Managerial Competence : This tells what types of people are capable to become managers . People their managerial competence do not shy away from problems and like to interact with other people . They base their actions to become successful on their responsibility and competence .  

3 )Autonomy / Independence : These individuals prefer to work under rules made by them . They do not like standards or procedures and prefer working alone .  

4 ) Security / Stability : These individuals strive to maintain stability and continuity in their lives . They prefer not taking risks and as such are called ' lifers ' with regard to their work . 

5 ) Entrepreneurial Creativity : These individuals are creative in nature and prefer inventing something new . Generally , they like to run their own businesses . They are different from the people who prefer working alone as they are happy in sharing their work . However , ownership is very important to them as they are easily bored . For them , wealth signifies success . 

6 ) Service / Dedication to a Cause : Service - driven individuals are more concerned about developing other people with the help of their skills and competencies for achieving personal success . They generally opt for public services and other areas related to human resource development .

 7 ) Pure Challenge : Challenge - driven people want continuous stimulation and problems . Such people generally change their jobs when they find it boring and as such these people have varied career growth paths .

 8 ) Lifestyle : People focussed on lifestyle are always looking their way of living . Instead of balancing their professional and personal life , they generally end up mixing the two . They may take long breaks from their work in order to engage in their passions .


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