Process of Career Planning Steps involved in the process of career planning are shown in figure 

1) Identification of Individual Needs and Aspirations : People work in order to satisfy their needs and aspirations . Personalising process usually proves useful from the employee's point of view . Personalising process is the process that provides self - actualization to the person , considering organisation to be just an agent . Self - actualisation implies to the attainment of life's objective , i.e .. satisfying needs and desires that are displayed in the form of achieving wealth and status , which gives respect in the society . Challenging job , career growth , higher designation , etc. , are some of the means which helps in attaining self actualisation . Such type of satisfaction must be targeted while making a career plan of an employee . The employee views this identification of needs and desires as the beginning of his career 

2)Identification of Organisational Needs and Opportunities : The emphasis of the employee is on personalising process and that of the organisation is on socialising process . Socialising process is the process where the organisation meets its needs , considering employee to be an agent . As a result , while doing career planning for an employee , organisation focuses on fulfilling its own needs and considering those chosen opportunities that can be given to the employee . By preparing a long - term human resource plan , organisation analyses the opportunities it can provide to its employees . Hence , it is not possible to provide every employee with the type of career he desires and demands . This trend might prove to be disturbing for both the employee and the organisation . To overcome such a situation it is better to do a thorough scanning of the skills and capabilities of the employees during the selection process itself , and thereby hire only those individuals whose needs and desires match with the organisational requirements . 

3 ) Assessment of Individual Strengths and Weaknesses : Assessment of strengths and weaknesses of an individual is a very crucial aspect of career planning . Every individual has certain strengths and weaknesses . that need to be identified before placing him on a career path . Strengths denote those characteristics that help the individual grow and achieve his work - life's objectives such as career goals . Weaknesses denote those characteristics that prove to be a barrier in the achievement of those goals . It is generally seen that individual's desires do not match their strengths . They exaggerate their desires as compared to the strengths they possess . Hence , an analysis of an individual's strength and weakness is required , taking into account organisation's needs and opportunities . For analysing strengths , an important point to remember is that strengths keep on changing with time as the individual's learning and experience also increases . Hence , both present and prospective strengths of an individual should to be analysed . 

4 ) Placement on Career Path : Post assessment of strengths and weaknesses , comes the task of placing the individual on the selected career path . The rational progression of designations that the person would hold in due course of time in the organisation defines his career path . There are two elements of a career path , i.e. , line and ladder . The specific field in which an individual is likely to be placed ( marketing , sales , production , finance , human resource , etc. ) is called the Line . Line comprises of various designations put together in the order of hierarchy . When an individual is placed on the selected career path , it shows the way he would move in the hierarchy . This placing is done by scrutinising the needs , strengths and weaknesses of the individual and the opportunities in the organisation . Hence , every employee of the organisation has a career plan .

5 ) Review of Career Plans : The activity of career planning ultimately results in defining the best career plans that have a long - range orientation . While developing a career plan , postulations are made regarding the future environmental activities that might impact human resource . However , the techniques used to forecast human resource management might not always prove accurate . This might end up disturbing the career plans . This can be avoided by maintaining an integral approach of reviewing the career plans of employees from time - to - time . This cyclic assessment is mandatory as it ensures whether employee needs are matching with job needs or not . This in turn assures that career plans are contributing to the successful deployment of human resources . This also helps the employees in analysing the movement of the organisation , the prospective changes and the talent they require in order to adjust with the changing organisation .


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