Different between Recruiting and selection

Basis of Difference Recruitment Selection
Sequence Recruitment is always conducted before the selection process Selection is always conducted after the recruitment process
Objective The main objective of recruitment is to attract maximum number of potential applicants in order to get a large applicant pool The main objective of selection is to choose the best suitable candidate from the applicant pool
Process Recruitment called a positive process because it involves the process of generating a large pool of applications . Selection is called a negative process because as it involves the process which rejects a large number of applicants and only few best applicants are selected for the job .
Methods Methods of recruitment are not very comprehensive and therefore there is no more a requirement of persons with highly skilled personnel . Very specialized methods are required in selection process . Therefore , in this process , only skilled personnel like experts of selection tests , conducting interviews , etc. , are considered .
Service Contract Service contract is not the outcome of recruitment process . There is a service contract between employer and the selected candidate .
Result Recruitment results in pool of applications which serves as an input for process of selection Selection process results in the form of selecting the final candidate who will get the job offer .
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