Meaning and Definition of TNA.                                                                      
                      Training needs analysis ( TNA ) focuses more on needs rather than demands . Also known as training need assessment , it can be defined as a tool used to ascertain the educational courses or skills that must be made available to the employees and management so as to enhance their effectiveness and management skills . In order to overcome the difficulty faced by managers in handling their employees , it is advised to managers that they work upon their management skills instead of technical aspects which are more interesting but less useful in boosting productivity and morale . With the help of training need assessment , it becomes easy to determine if there exists a training need and if yes , then what kind of training needs to be imparted in order to manage the deviation between the expected and actual performance . According to Kaufman et al . , " Need assessment can be defined as a process for identifying and prioritising gaps between current and desired results " . According to Molenda , Pershing and Reigeluth , " Need assessment can be defined as a method of finding out the nature and extent of performance problems and how they can be solved " . According to Allison Rossett , " Training need assessment is the systematic effort that we make to gather opinions and ideas from a variety of sources on performance problems or new systems and technologies " .

              Methods of TNA In order to collect information about the performance of employees , different methods are used . Those methods are as follows

 1 ) Observation :
                         As the name suggests , in this method the performance of the workers is measured simply by observing the activities of workers . The activities which employees perform and how well they perform reveals the complete information . In this method , the observer who is keeping keen eye on the performance of the employee does not participate in the activities which an employee is undertaking . 

2 ) Interviews :
                   Interview is one of the most important tools to assess the need for training . In the process of interview , the same information is asked from different sources so that the information which is revealed can be judged as one person's belief or a prevalent opinion . Interview helps the trainer in face - to - face interaction thereby assessing the performance of employees . 

3 ) Questionnaires : 
                              In a questionnaire , questions are framed considering the employee's opinion regarding communication in the organisation , features of the job , work conditions , salary structure , promotion policies , etc. With the help of information from the questionnaire , the competencies of the employees and the areas where they lack can be analysed .

4 ) Job Description :
                                A job analysis is mandatory before creating a job description . Job analysis comprises of detailed study of the roles and responsibilities associated with the job . Post job analysis , it is convenient put job description and need analysis on paper . Once the job description of an employee is finalised , it becomes easy for the trainer to make his training curriculum taking into consideration the exact expectations that the company has from the employee .

 5 ) Difficulty Analysis :
                                    The tasks that cause the maximum amount of trouble for the employee and how training can be put into use to ease these troubles , is established by difficulty analysis . 

6 ) Problem Solving Conference :
                                                     Another method used in determining training needs required by the employees is to organise problem solving meetings at regular intervals . The meeting can be organised when a new product or technology is introduced , a new plan is initiated , or when a new training session is to be conducted . In these meetings weak points of training which require more emphasis are realised . 

7 ) Appraisal Reviews :
                                     An employee should be enquired about training and duties of his workers while conducting the periodic counselling performance interview . These enquiries generate genuine feedback and help in ascertaining the actual needs and gaps required in an effective training need analysis . 

8 ) Drive Pattern Identity :
                                        The level of an employee's motivation decides his level of development . If the forces that drive the behaviour of an employee are identified , they can help in deciding upon his training needs and the manner in which his desires should be driven to fulfill those needs . 

9 ) Organisational Policy Analysis :
                                             The training which is offered to the employees is influenced by various policies of the organisation . Therefore , the framework of these policies should be included in the training programmes so that the employees can be prepared accordingly . The policies that involve modification , change or overhauling training programme are of major concern .

Process of TNA Following are the steps that should be followed while conducting training needs analysis :

 Step 1 :
           Initiate Discussions with Top Management : It is important to involve top management personnel from the beginning and ensure visibility of their involvement . Their consent authorises the analysis and any discussion that needs to be conducted with supervisors managers , or any other member of the staff .

 Step 2 : 
          Set Up TNA Schedule and Objectives : A controlled planned , and efficient implementation of TNA should be carried out to cut down the costs . This is done by clearly establishing TNA objectives before its execution .

 Step 3 :
           Identifying the Information Source : Next step involves recognising the various information sources which can act as input and as well as determine the need of training . Observation , interviews discussions , and survey are various sources of information . Apart from these , background information and statistical data from the organisation are lesser significant sources .

 Step 4 : 
         Set up Methods for Data Collection : After the sources information are identified , the next step involves the establishment the data collection methods which are suitable for an organisation . The suitability of method of data collection may differ from one organisation to another . Hence , it is essential to select the appropriate method that will provide the required details in the most effective up - to - date manner . 

Step 5 : 
     Collect the Information : Collection of information must be allotted enough time and vigilant daily scheduling is also needed for it .

 Step 6 :
             Analysis of Data and Identification of Training Needs : It is the most crucial step of TNA because in this step the information which is collected is analysed property and accordingly the need for training is identified . After the identification of each training requirement , there must be evidence so that the need can be validated . 

Step 7 :
          Develop Training Objectives : There are various advantages if the objectives of training are developed before any discussion with management . The advantages are follows : 

1 ) When the objectives are clearly established , then it becomes clear that what is essential to achieve from the process of training . 

2 ) The final result of training is indicated by establishing the training objectives . 

3 ) If the result of the training is known , the management will be more willing to impart the training . 

Step 8 : 
           Develop Training Plan : The on - the - job or off - the - job training methods and training plans that are expected to meet the identified needs are decided in this step . The training objectives , supporting evidences , and the training needed as a result of the identified needs , in a combined way help in developing the training plan . After getting the approval of the management , the training plan can be converted into training programme . 

Step 9 :
                Preparation of TNA Report : The integrity of the analysis to some level is at risk during this phase , The members of the organisation would have by now spent a significant amount of time in giving information and discussing about the analysis . Hence , being well prepared for the meeting becomes extremely essential . The management would be interested in seeing and discussing the report on analysis . 

Importance of TNA 
             Following is the importance of training needs assessment :

 1 ) Training and various such developments required for growing professionally are identified by TNA . 

2 ) TNA avoids wastage of time on needless trainings by making sure that only those trainings are conducted that are actually important for the participants and would deliver desired results .

 3 ) TNA sets a standard in terms of KSAS which need to be achieved by the employees in order to apply for transfer , promotion and training projects . 

4 ) A sense of unity arises among employees due to TNA because employees get together to express the need for training for a given job position . 

5 ) With the help of TNA , supervisors get an outline of skills , knowledge and capabilities that are important for workers to function effectively in a particular job . 

6 ) With the help of TNA . management programmes can give due importance to training and development needs of their employees and assign required resources for conducting professional and technical training . 

7 ) TNA aids in reducing the deviation in the way of thinking that exists between employees participating in the training and their superiors regarding their expectations and needs . It provides an extra help when both employees as well as their supervisors are covered in the survey prior to the training .

      Limitations of TNA 
                       Following are the limitations of training needs assessment :

 1 ) It needs to hire a skilled person and accordingly use his time . 

2 ) Implementing TNA requires a lot of time as it is implemented at all levels of enterprise and therefore a lot of efforts and costs are required . 

3 ) Due to lack of support , commitment and participation of top management in TNA , there is a possibility of identifying needs that are unreal . 

4 ) If TNA is not conducted properly , the organisation is criticised of wasting and over - using funds on needless trainings . 

5 ) If employees sense that TNA will highlight their inadequacies , they might resist it .

 6 ) Managers might neglect the importance of TNA and may consider training more effective comparatively .
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