Meaning and Definition of Induction The process of making new employees familiar with the present employees and practices of the organisation is termed as orientation or induction . All the activities of introducing a new candidate to the organisation and his department are involved in the induction process . Induction training focuses exclusively on company history , health and safety , company policies and measures , and is often used as a means of effective learning and development . Such training differs according to the individuals and companies . Each company should make use of the subject matter to go well with its own specific need ; it becomes a necessity that the induction training programme is well planned and presented in a structured , appealing and useful manner , regardless of size . Appropriate induction training is mainly a legal necessity . It is the formal duty of the employers to give fresh employees all significant information and training associated with the job and mainly related to health and safety . 

According to Gary Dessler ,
                  " Orientation is a procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm " .

 According to Robert L .. Mathis , 
                    " Orientation is the process of planned introduction of employees to their jobs , their co - workers , and the organisation " . 

 Purposes of Induction 

        Induction is done to fulfil the following purposes : 

1 ) Formally Welcoming Employees : 
                              Induction programmes are considered by management of various organisations as an event to greet fresh employees formally through a procedure .

 2 ) Overcoming Initial Uneasiness and Hesitation :
                              Initial nervousness in new employees concerning the organisation is common . When this nervousness is not tackled properly , it might result in creation of negative perception about the organisation and ultimately leads to dissatisfaction and hostility . This initial nervousness and hesitation can be easily handled through orientation .

 3 ) Exchanging Information :
                         The organisation enables the new employees to know about the job , department , organisation and people . For example , the organisation can provide training and development programmes for enhancing career opportunities and give information about the growth prospects available to the employees . In return , the organisation can also get information about the employees , their background and their individual career plans .

 4 ) Assessing Employees : 
                          Even though the selection process has assessed the training needs of the employees beforehand , induction gives organisation another chance to repeat it . 

5 ) Acclimatising Employees :
                          Induction programmes make it possible for the organisation to educate the employees about the fundamentals of the job , safety precautions to be used , and make them accustomed to other services of the organisation .

 6 ) Controlling the HR Cost :
                              If induction programmes are not there , then employees have to learn everything by themselves , and this might increase organisational expenses of learning as it will cause wastage of resources and work disturbances . In the same way , when the employees are not able to come to their expectation with the reality , they might finally quit the organisation . As a result , the HR expenditure associated with recruitment and selection also increases . 

7 ) Developing the Team Spirit :
                            Team spirit among the colleagues is facilitated when the orientation programme is conducted for a group of new employees . In addition , the capability of each member to work in a group can also be evaluated through replication of teamwork in induction programmes . 

8 ) Socialising Employees :
                          Socialisation means incorporating appropriate values , beliefs and standards in the employees in order to enable them work together with the formal as well as the informal groups . This obligatory belief , value and attitude among the employees are created with the help of induction programmes .

 Process of Induction Process of induction involves three stages , which are shown in figure 

 1 ) General Orientation : In this stage , the main aim is to make the employee comfortable and motivate him to be serious during the orientation process so that he can easily become accustomed to the organisation . Employee is also made aware of the history , business objectives and processes of the organisation . He is also taken for a visit of the whole organisation to understand the business processes . Initially , classroom knowledge is given for a month and after that he should be placed in their respective department as a trainee , to know the processes and to understand the importance of each activity for the end result .

 Figure  Process of Induction
 General Orientation 
Departmental Orientation 
Specific Job Orientation

 2 ) Departmental Orientation :
                       Now , the individual is introduced to the department where he has to work . There is a need for the new incumbent to be aware of his role , responsibility and the operating practices of the department . The new employee should be made familiar with each and every activity of the department within few months . During this process , he needs to build up a relationship with the seniors , colleagues and subordinates , after which he will be allotted a particular job .

 3 ) Specific Job Orientation :
                      The individual is provided a particular assignment with a job description . The employee needs to have the knowledge of the method used for a specific job . The responsibility involved in that specific work has to be mentioned precisely to the newcomer along with the role expectations . The superior , if necessary , should make use of a hand - holding approach to direct the individual on the job he has to do .

 4 ) Orientation Kits :
                 Orientation kits refer to a package of important resources in an easy to carry format . Despite the growth and popularity of online orientation , most organisations still give orientation kits to its new employees . The orientation kits can be as simple as a folder , an envelope , or highly advanced such as a briefcase , or a customised carrier , etc. Items which are generally included in the orientation kit are as follows : 
i ) Welcome letter , 
ii ) Employee hand - book , 
iii ) Personnel and their respective positions . 
iv ) Process of accessing online orientation resources . 
v ) Product brochures or samples , and
 vi ) List of local amenities . 

Importance of Induction

 The various 
importance of induction is as follows :

 1 ) Reduces Labour Turnover :
                              First phase of the employee's period of service shows high labour turnover , if the employee is allowed to develop negative opinions towards the job during this time , then the employee can be induced to quit organisation . Labour turnover can be restricted to the least by using an effective induction programme , during the early phase of the new employee's career .

 2 ) Helps to Create Realistic Employee Expectations :
                       The new employees during the induction programme are taught about the expectations of the organisation from them and what they ( incumbents ) , in turn , can expect from the organisation . Expectations can be brought down and established on reality with the help of an induction programme .

 3 ) Creates Job Satisfaction and a Positive Attitude towards the Employer : 
               Positive feelings towards the employer can be developed with the help of induction programme as well as job satisfaction is ensured . Induction makes sure that there is an interpersonal communication with the new employee regarding the company policies and other employment practices .

 4 ) Assist the New Employee to Contribute to Organisational Success more quickly : 

                         Another benefit of the induction programme for the new employees is that the organisational objectives and the annual targets are made known to them along with many other things . This will transform the private goals of some employees into organisational goals . Some employees attempt an awful practice of achieving personal objectives in working premises . Unsuccessful induction programmes provides employees with the opportunity to exercise these awful practices . Hence , organisations should change the way of deriving effective results from such persons through induction programme . Through induction , new employee will become aware of his / her social responsibility for the organisation . This will then turn into productive work environment for management as well as employee.
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