Diwali Crackers


Diwali Crackers: How to Choose the Best One for Your Celebration

Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, falls each year in October and November depending on the lunar calendar. On this day, Hindus celebrate by lighting candles and lamps across their homes and communities to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, into their lives. The festivities are made even brighter with the loud explosion of firecrackers known as diwali crackers or charkhas that Indians like to set off in celebration (especially young boys). But picking out firecrackers can be confusing; they come in different shapes, sizes and colors, with prices ranging from $1 to $5 per box.

How To Select Crackers For Your Celebrations

The good thing about diwali crackers is that they come in a variety of shapes and colors. The price range may vary according to your taste, budget and requirements. To select a perfect firecracker, you will have to analyze your needs and also take into account whether you are planning a fireworks show or an indoor celebration. If you're going out in public, morning firecrackers are generally considered safer than evening ones. Children's crackers should not have any sparklers or small parts; adult-sized fireworks are usually suitable for kids older than 8 years old. On Diwali morning, you can go with flower pots, aerial shells (which shoot up colorful balls) and rockets with wheels. These make ideal gifts too!

Types of Firecrackers

     A cracker is usually a tube that is filled with composition and then capped at one end. They are designed to create a loud report or explosion when ignited. Child fire crackers are different from their adult counterparts in terms of physical appearance, usage, and purpose. Some of these fireworks crackers contain flash powder which burns very quickly; often only lasting a few seconds before expiring. Their small size allows them to be held in one hand while igniting with the other. While some firecrackers tend to make little to no sound when burning, children’s fireworks typically produce more noise because they have larger amounts of flash powder as well as colorful displays and sparkles that children enjoy seeing when fireworks go off around them.

Buying Guide For The Best Firecrackers

A lot of firecracker manufacturers are adding new and expensive varieties in their products every year which is increasing crakers price, recently most of government authority have raised crakers price around 3%-5%. So it's time for time buyer should buy firecrakers near to three weeks before diwali.

Safety Precautions While Handling Firecracker

Firecracker is a small hand held explosive device that produces an exploding flash of light, a loud noise and smoke upon ignition. Whether you want firecracker during diwali, new year or any other events, it is advised that never you touch or carry firecracker after they are lit. There are two primary types of firecrackers — 1) fusible and 2) combustible. Never ever hold them near open flame after lighting as doing so can cause premature detonation or explosion with serious injury consequences. If possible, keep them away from children until they are completely cool and safe to handle. Check out some safety precautions below before and after buying or handling any firecracker in your life

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