Meaning and Definition of Grievance

 Grievance can be referred to as a feeling of discontentment and dissatisfaction that an employee has regarding his employment . When an employee has a complaint and is neglected , then a feeling of injustice and discrimination arises in an employee . When this feeling grows up it takes the form of a grievance . Thus , it is essential to deal with dissatisfaction . For doing this , organisation should take into consideration grievance management . Grievance management is the procedure through which the manager deals with the grievances of his employees during his service . Grievance management makes it possible to identify prospective problems of the employees . Without grievance management , it is impossible for the management to deal with employee problems and respond to them . Thus , grievance management plays an important role in making organisational working relationships effective . According to Dale Yoder , " Grievance is a written complaint filed by an employee and claiming unfair treatment " . According to Keith Davis , " Grievance is any real or imagined feeling of personal injustice which an employee . has , concerning his employment relationship " . According to International Labour Organisation , " Grievance is a complaint of one or more workers in respect of wages , allowances , conditions of work and interpretation of service stipulations , covering such areas as overtime leave , transfer , promotion , seniority , job assignment and termination of service " .

 Steps in Grievance Handling Procedure Steps involved in grievance handling procedure are shown in blow  

Step 1 ) Identification of Grievances : Those grievances of employees which are not being disclosed must be recognised by the management . 

Step 2 ) Define Correctly : After identifying the grievances management should correctly define them . 

Step 3 ) Data Collection : Every data related to grievance must be gathered from all sources and after that it should be classified as facts , data opinions , etc. 

Step 4 ) Analyse and Solve : After data collection , analysis of information must be done in order to develop alternative solutions and select the best solution . 

Step 5 ) Prompt Redressal : After the analysis of grievances , it must be redressed immediately by implementing the solution in a speedy manner . 

Step 6 ) Implementation and Follow - Up : There should be follow - up after the implementation of the solution to check the effectiveness of the solutions .

Model  of Grievance Handling Procedures 
Advantages of Grievance Handling Procedure 

Advantages of grievance handling procedure are as follows : 

1 ) It brings out grievance issues in front of the management so that remedial actions can be taken . 

2 ) Timely intervention by the management prevents minor grievances from assuming big proportions and becoming dispute .

 3 ) It provides a formalised outlet for the employee's psychological release to reduce their discontentment . The grievance system may or may not be used by the worker for his own emotional release in a particular system . However , it builds within him a sense of emotional security as the system is there for his support . 

4 ) It facilitate in the establishment and maintenance of conducive working environment . 

5 ) It helps the management to identify the attitudes and feelings of employee regarding the organisational policies , rules and practices so that essential upgradations in policies and rules can be done . 

6 ) It closely monitors arbitrary management actions . As the manager knows that his actions can be scrutinised and challenged , he will be more cautious while coming to a decision . 

 Disadvantages of Grievance Handling Procedure Disadvantages of grievance handling procedure are as follows :

 1 ) The procedure can be lengthy and costly .

 2 ) Lack of people skills to deal with grievances at every stage . 

3 ) Different procedures are followed in organisations . There can be hostile action from the management against grievant employees .. 

4 ) Final decisions can be withheld by the management . This causes frustration among employees . 

5 ) The members may not react promptly and become dependent on the " the union " to look after all the issues .
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