ther ae two types of job methods one is  on-the job method and another one is off-the job trining 

on-the-job method 

          On - the - Job Methods Various on - the - job methods include the following :

 1 ) Coaching : In this method , the trainee is coached by a supervisor who instructs the trainee and imparts job related knowledge to him .

2 ) Job Rotation : Job rotation is a method of development which is specifically used for managers to match the manager's present skills and the skills which are necessary for the future job . 

3 ) Understudy : This technique is a type of management modelling in which a present or prospective manager is assigned to work with a senior manager for a particular time duration . An individual may undergo the process of understudy when the organisation aims to develop an individual for a higher managerial post . For obtaining broader base and perspective , understudies are rotated among various managers . 

4 ) Mentoring : Mentor is defined as a wise and trusted guide or advisor . In an organisation , a senior manager acts as a mentor to a junior member of staff . Thus , mentoring has a vital role in conveying knowledge and skills from a senior manager to a junior employee . Such skill sets may include technical know - how . relationship skills , tact and diplomacy . Mentoring is therefore important for the growth of both the management personnel and the organisation . 

5 ) Committee Assignments : It is also referred to as junior board or multiple management . A junior board is set - up to act as a shadow of the board of directors to enable young managers get some insight into the intricacies involved in managing a company insights about decision - making , strategy conceptualisation and policy formulation . The junior board is aimed at grooming young and energetic managers for efficiently shouldering higher responsibilities in future , which also helps succession planning . 

6 ) Planned Progression : It is a method used by organisations to give managers a clear picture of their way to growth and development . Managers are made aware of their present status vis - a - vis their skills , knowledge and performance and also of a corresponding idea about the future . A manager thereby knows the inputs that may be required for progress to the achievement of his goal . For example , a Junior Engineer may have information about his progress path from his present position to becoming a Senior Engineer and then a Head of Department and finally Works Manager . It may erroneously viewed by the progressing manager as a frictionless path to the top ; however , actually it is a stepwise approach that requires various tasks to be performed efficiently at every stage . A negative point in this approach is that the employee's attention on the next level may turn out to be a distraction for the present task , affecting his present performance . 

7 ) Creation of " Assistant - to " Positions : Creating an " Assistant - to " position is often opted for in order to widen the outlook of a trainee by assigning him a position that enables him to assist and work closely with an experienced manager , who can then observe the trainee closely to determine his developmental needs . The manager can assign specific jobs to the trainee with an aim to evaluate the trainee's competency on the specific job , as well as his decision - making abilities . This method can give better results if the manager is also an adept trainer , as he can develop skills of the trainee until the trainee becomes capable of shouldering managerial responsibilities .

 8 ) Temporary Promotions : Many a times , an individual is appointed as an " acting " manager in place of a manager who , e.g. , may be on a leave or on an outstation duty or when a post has fallen vacant . Temporary promotion is a win - win situation for the organisation and the acting manager . Organisation gets benefited as the managerial post is now being looked after and is no more empty , while in turn the acting manager gets the benefit of experience and developmental opportunities . Such a practical experience , in contrast to theoretical knowledge , can be extremely valuable for the acting managers because they get on - the - job training for a senior - position task . However , if the acting manager is lacking the enthusiasm to learn or the skills to deliver results , neither the acting manager nor the organisation gets benefited . 

2Off - the - Job Methods 

Following are the off - the - job methods of management development : 

1 ) Case Study : Case study is a very useful technique , particularly for developing an executive's decision making and analytical skills .

 2 ) Incident Method : Incident technique , devised by Paul Pigors , aims to develop intellectual ability , practical judgement skills , and social awareness of managers . Incidents are modelled on the basis of actual situations that had occurred in other organisations . In this technique , trainees are developed using a group process .

 3 ) Role - Playing : Role - playing is a technique that helps the executives to understand individuals better . This method enables trainees to learn from imaginary experiences that they get through role - playing .

4 ) In - Basket Technique : This method helps to develop organising , planning and problem solving skills . The in basket technique places executives in real - life situations wherein they are asked to execute typical management activities and tasks which are required to be carried - out on a daily basis , in the normal course of their job , 
5) Business Games : This method helps to develop organisational ability , quick thinking and responses , and leadership qualities . 

6 ) Sensitivity Training : Sensitivity training aims to develop an executive's ability to respond to effective changes in his interpersonal environment . It includes sensitivity to emotional feelings of self and others . An important benefit desired is increased awareness in executives about their own behaviour and how others see their actions , better sensitivity to other's behaviours , and a better understanding of various group processes . 

7 ) Simulation : Simulation effectively helps to develop decision - making skills , which can be put to good use for solving problems in the shortest possible time . 

8 ) Grid Training : The managerial grid , a six - phase technique , was conceptualised by R.R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton of U.S.A. It takes into account five principal managerial styles ; these styles represent different combinations of the two attributes , viz . , " concern for people " and " concern for production " . This technique helps to develop quality of leadership in executives over a long timeframe .. 

9 ) Conferences : Attitudes are deeply ingrained in a person's psyche ; hence it is difficult to bring about radical changes in attitudes . This method develops an executive's ability to modify his attitudes , as and when need arises , for the benefit of the organisation . 

10 ) Lectures : Lecture is a mode of delivery of information from a lecturer to the audience . It is used for management development since earlier times . This is best suited to transmit more knowledge in a short time period to a large pool of managers . Its drawback is that it is a one - way transmission of information and hence does not enable active participation of the audience . 

11 ) Special Projects : In this technique , a trainee is assigned a project which is linked closely to the objectives and targets of his department . An example of such a project is the " action learning " project , which is so called because the trainees on this project can learn through action . In this project , the management generates real problems for the trainees to tackle . Trainees might also be provided a written assignment that specifically mentions the aims , target dates , action plans and the name of the supervisor for keeping an eye on the assignment until its completion

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