Human Resource (HR) AUDIT



                Every   Organization need a technique  by which it can check the different  activities and  outcome  of various  individual   working  in that  organization  this  operation is performed  by process of audit . 

     An  audit is a  method  by which  financial  record of any department  are  assessed and  verified   systematically,  which is done on a  regular  basis  by the  financial department . but  in the   context of HR  department.  

       It can defined as an activity  which  is aimed   at assessing the  effectiveness of the  all humanresource  police procedure  and activities performed by individuals working  In the  organization  at regular  intervals

              It  is not only the metod of measuring monetary  record but it is  also a planning  device.there  are many  function  that place in the  organization  such as recruitment, deployment, promotion ,retaining  capable  employees,  etc. HR audit  helps to improve these  functions by identifying  the available prospects so that  an organization  can exploit it and  become  more successful.

   HR  audit  also  serve as a development tool by which it not only enhances the performance of thie human  asset but also the organization.


                   “   HR  audit  evaluates the HR  activities in an organization  with a view their  effectiveness and efficiency”


             “HR  audit is concerned with the gathering, analysing  information  and then deciding what action need to be taken improve performance


      HR   audit  is a systematic assessment of the strengths,limitantion , and developmental needs of its existing human resource  in the context of organization  performance




·         HR  audit  is an analysis  process to check the proper  t functioning of human resource working  in an  organization

·          It is an  investigating tool which  studies about  thee people  working in the organization ,policies followed  by them  the function  and activities   performed by them,if there is any gap  in the actual and standard  performance ,then HR audit  identifies it

·         It is a measuring device  that  not only computes  the  individuals  of the  organization  but  also  check  whether there  is lack  of compliance  on the  part of HR department  or not  it is  the responsibility  of HR audit to manager  the  detected  fault as soon  as possible.

·          HR  audit  is usually conducted  once in a year  and is carried out  either by  the organization expert  or by  the external  professional specialized in human resource management  having  an exact  understanding  of  auditing

·          The reports reports prepared  by HR   audit  are forwarded to the higher  authorities so that  if in case there is any error  in the report  it  can be detected  and corrected on time   



·         HR audit look  after the  effective functioning of the  hr department of the organization .it evaluates the  systematic implementation  of policies and  procedure  in human resource  department  and also  evaluates  its working environment

·         HR  audit  rectifies the mistakes done by human resource   while  performance  their task  and  provide  suitable  corrective  measure  as soon  as possible

·          It  check whether   the HR  function  are  carried  out as per  the set   policies  and procedure  of the  organization  or not

·         It  measure  the error  as well  as positive aspect  of the HR  department. It ensures whether HR  department  is following the policies regarding  the recruitment,training.placement ,promotion,workplace  environment ,employee  grievances,ect., according  to the  organization rules  and  regulation or not

·          It is the responsibility of HR audit  to assess  all  the function of  the corporation  and  search  include  staffing  of new   employees, selection,training ,holding on  of potential  employee,separation of human resource ,etc

·         HR  audit  also  help  audit  helps in maintaining discipline  among   the  employee  by  evaluating  their  behaviource  and  action   frequently   and  making them realize  their  responsibility  towards  the benift of the organization

·         It also  identifies  those  areas HR  department which need revival or improvement in performance is observed, they are rewarded accordingly.

·         It help in making HR administration a computable concept, i.e., which can be calculate in figures, rather than considering it as a theoretical concept.

  • Certain problematic employee may take legal actions against the organization; HR audit also prepares for such lawsuits in advance to face such people effectively
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